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Saturday 10 December 2016



Since the inception of the modern state of Israel in 1949, many things had happened that made Israel to either review or renew her socio-economic policy among the comity of Nations. 

Israel like Biafra is rich with the history of extermination attempt on the Jewish people. Even the most filtered history with high subjectivity does not get smooth landing on hiding the “real fact” that the Jews like Biafrans were massacred just for their prosperity and whom they are. 

From Joseph's affair (primordial history) to Alfred Dreyfus' affair (1859-1935), it was from one envy propelled anti-semantic posture that culminated into series of holocausts. Israel has known no absolute peace when it comes to détente among the Arabs which exists both in the Middle East and Africa. The wars against Israel have always been a long standing issue right from the old testament; which is still being waged against her till date. 

RELATED POST: Donald Trump, Israel, And The Potential For A Free Biafra

Israel might boast of some of her friendly allies and nations like India, US, Russia, Germany, and others, but she must understand that recent events have shown cases where some of these unpredictable friends abandoned her at the international stage in order to please Israel's enemies. Israel indeed needs an “Ironclad” friend that will anchor her relationship with Israel on bloodline basis before the featherweight friendship as experienced at the international level. 

Now that every actor in the international arena is making Africa Pivot or colloquially say second “Scramble” towards Africa, what is the fate of Israel? The Jewish state should and must understand that Africa is now a fertile ground for Islamic terrorists which are mostly housed and hosted by mostly the Islamic states of Africa like Nigeria, Niger, Chad, Somalia, Algeria, Libya, and Mali etc. These terrorists are nurtured into carrying out their primary assignment of avenging their brethren's travails in Palestine despite their present smokescreen operations. 

RELATED POST: Does Israel Have A Biafra Strategy?

Many Heads of States and Government in Africa that are Muslims including the current Nigerian president, Muhammadu Buhari, are sympathetic to this course. It amounts to stupidity that Israel does not have a strategic positioning in Africa especially the sub-Sahara African region to monitor and cut off the edges of these threats of her national security and interest. 

IDF and MOSSAD should understand the importance of this geostrategic positioning in Africa as Saudi has already taken a step in that direction by setting up Mujahedeen under the supervision of some head of state and governments in Africa. The Mujahideen are funded logistically and politically in some African states with different cell name They must be cut off now by Israel or Israel should prepare to bleed in the future.

READ THIS: Biafra: Why Does Biafra Want Separation From Nigeria? Seven Reasons—By C. K. Ekeke

There is no better way for Israel to do this than support holistically the restoration of the sovereign state of Biafra. Those Israeli lobbying bodies like AIPAC and others should understand the place of Biafra in Israel’s national security and interest in Africa. 

Benjamin Netanyahu has the responsibility to make Biafra one of his core interest in Africa. While Ethiopia and Uganda can stand as the sovereign Israeli “Aircraft Carrier” in East Africa, Israel should understand that she is bereft of a friendly nation in West Africa. To achieve more than what she achieved in East Africa, she needs a Biafran state that is technologically driven with Jewish bloodline and religion.

READ THIS TOO: Biafra: IPOB's Journey So Far, Stumbling Blocks And Victory Won: Biafra Remains Our Destination

Biafrans before now admitted their Jewish heritage despite the terror such affinity attracts from the Islamic Nigerian Government. If Israel's bloodline cannot be denied in midst of “shadow of death”, what then happens when there arrives a Biafran state? The earlier Israel keys into the Biafra restoration struggle, the better for her dream of a secure Israel, and then and only then shall her footprint in Africa be solidified.

Written By Okoro Austine
Edited By IkeChukwu NwaOrisa
For Biafra Writers

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