In a statement issued by the IPOB’s
director on media and publicity, Comrade Emma Powerful, obtained by The Biafra Times.
IPOB wholeheartedly thank Arewa youth for at least having the courtesy to issue
an advance warning this time before embarking on their routine massacre of
Igbos and other Biafrans living in northern Nigeria.
The statement reads thus: “We the members
of the Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB) and it’s leadership worldwide wish to
sincerely thank the Arewa Elders Forum(AEF), Arewa Youths and Arewa
Consultative Forum for seeing sense in what IPOB has been saying about the need
for a referendum to be conducted in Nigeria to decide the fate of the component
ethnic nationalities criminally lumped together by the British in 1914.
“Biafrans in general also wish to thank
these vocal Northerners for at least having the courtesy to issue advance
warning this time before embarking on their routine massacre of Igbos and other
Biafrans living in Northern Nigeria; unlike what their fathers did in 1966 when
death, destruction and mayhem were unleashed upon unsuspecting innocent civilian
populations from the South comprising of mostly Igbo men, women and children.
Igbo massacres in Northern Nigeria has occurred so many times that it has
almost become some sort of an annual sporting activity for blood thirsty
Northern youths. That is why we are particularly grateful to Arewa Youths and
Elders for having the decency to give us prior notice before the slaughter
“We promise to adhere to your warning to
leave Northern Nigeria because a word is enough for the wise. Biafrans and
other Southerner should start packing their properties to come down to the
South. We also advice the Northern youths and their Elders to keep it on
because all they have done is exercise their right to free speech which is not
a crime under any law known to man. We are therefore against those calling for
the arrest of these Arewa Youths and their Elders.
“It is abundantly evident from the
genocidal statements coming from certain influential segments of Northern
Nigeria that the British socio-political experimentation and economic fraud we
know today as Nigeria, should not have been created in the first place. IPOB is
very much aware of the covert blackmail and implied threat inherent in the
utterances emanating from Islamic Northern Nigeria.
“Furthermore, the assumption that economic
investments of Biafrans in the Northern part of the contraption called Nigeria
is an impediment to Biafra restoration project is misguided and most definitely
misplaced. This is cheap blackmail designed to trigger rancour among Biafra
populations because the North have always assumed and wrongly too, that Igbos
will place economic well being over and above their life. This assumption is
based on a false premise and one we are determined to prove same as events
unfold in the coming weeks and months.
“IPOB under the divine leadership of Mazi
Nnamdi Kanu is the instrument Chukwu Okike Abiama (God Almighty) is using to
restore Biafra, therefore we are not afraid of our enemies, neither will any
threat or violence from any quarter deter us. We remain peaceful in our noble
quest to restore Biafra but we must caution that we always retain the right as
a people to defend ourselves should the need arise.
“The civilised world is aware that we IPOB
have been adopting peaceful means to restore Biafra since 2014. It is the Arewa
Islamic Northern Nigeria dominated Army, Police, Navy and Civil Defence that
has brought torture, killings, massacres and mayhem to communities and
populations in the South. Till date, nobody has been held to account despite
the existence of a comprehensive Amnesty International report to this effect.
Published by Charles Opanwa for TBT
Marvelous and well- articulated strong statement by IPOB.v All hail Biafra !
ReplyDeleteAll hail Biafra !!!