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Tuesday 9 August 2016


Tuesday August 9th, 2016.

For a sacred land
The land of the rising sun
For God’s people
The called and the chosen
My pride, my all.

Created a giant, they looked up to me
In her thirst, she reached for my milk
My honey was sweet, she could not resist
Yet in my benevolence, she chastened me sore
Dead in her conscience, her soul grieved away.

Not in this life nor in the next
Not for fear nor for shame
Though it tarries, it shall come to pass
Hand join in hand, her judgment is near
For better and for worse, I defend my land.

Dragged to the mud, she shouted for joy
For the pains and sorrow, she made merry in feast
My land was defiled, my sea was polluted
My heart bled, the night was long
Without a shout, I traveled back home.

She speaks of peace, yet void of it
Preaching justice, but in hypocrisy
Stretching a helping hand, she torments the more
Drunk in my blood, her days are numbered
The dark and the wicked world.

As high as the heavens, so are your ways Lord
Your judgment is deep, your verdict is thorough
With eye on the sparrow, love better than life
Give me rest with the chosen
For your love and your mercy.

If I lived to die
Then I died to live
Dust I am, to dust will I return
Was spoken of my flesh
And not of my soul.

Composed by Chinedu Ewulu 
Published By Nwosu C.D
For Biafra Writers.

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