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Friday 8 April 2016


It was another bizarre news as many youths were found dead in a morgue at Onitsha, at the heart of Biafra land. Investigations carried out by honest, independent individuals, show that these youths did not die without a cause, but were sent to their early graves by security agents in the state. It's very atrocious and unfortunate that security agencies will take the lives of unarmed, defenseless civilians whom they’re mandated to protect.

These are youths who also have families and relatives but their careers have been cut short by these evil security agents, for no just cause. It is obvious that all the security agents in Nigeria are just secret militias, employed for the total elimination of any perceived opposition. Security agencies have become a group designed to target and eliminate the indigenous people of Biafra.

Read also: How Pro-Biafra Activists Were Murdered And Dumped At Onitsha Mortuary By Nigerian Soldier

Evidently, there have never been a recorded attack by Fulani herdsmen in Kaduna, Kano, Nassarawa, Sokoto, Zaria or Borno state. But attacks on Biafran populace and farmers by Fulani herdsmen backed by these security agents, have become a consistent occurrence in Biafra land. This goes to prove that there’s a secret war and a coordinated attempt to eliminate Biafrans from the surface of the earth.

Since the gruesome killings in Agatu, Benue state, by Fulani herdsmen, the Nigerian government has never made a public pronouncement to condemn these hideous act and the Nigerian security agents has never made any arrest for this savagery and murderous acts so as to prosecute the culprits.

There is a saying that goes thus, "You do not beat a child and expect him not to cry". Everyone in the contraption called Nigeria and the world at large should realize that, if Mr Buhari continues to use his specialized militias, in the guise of security agents, to kill Biafrans, that Biafrans will not fold their arms and watch forever.

Crimes against humanity are expressly and unambiguously defined by the UN and the International Criminal Law as “murder, extermination, enslavement, deportation and other inhumane acts committed against any civilian population, before or during the war, or persecutions on political, racial or religious grounds in the execution of or in connection with any crime within the jurisdiction of the UN or any of its recognized criminal courts, whether or not in violation of domestic laws of the country where perpetrated”.

It is difficult to understand why the U.N has remained silent in the midst of numerous undeniable evidences which shows that the Nigeria government and Buhari has committed numerous hideous crimes against humanity and has violated laws which Nigeria is a signatory to. We are calling on the attention of the UN and other international organizations to as a matter of urgency, give the Biafran question the attention it deserves and to ensure that Buhari is earnestly brought to book.

By Jephta Onyedikachi 
Edited by KeneChukwu HalleluYah Okekenta 
Published By Nwosu C.S
For Biafra Writers

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