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Wednesday 22 July 2020

Biafra: Security Challenges In Nigeria Reveals Late Buhari's Incompetent

           : Security Challenges In Nigeria Reveals Late Buhari's Incompetent

■Author:  Chimena Mary  
■Twitter: @umuchiukwu
■22, July 2020

Government Biafrans before I proceed, I will like to state the fact that IPOB has been the one securing and protecting the citizens of this country called Nigeria in every aspect and as well because of the zoo Nigeria country incompetent of securing its people from terrorist attacks.

Nigeria as a country is founded on lies and deceit where we are being told that the founders of Nigeria are the ones that signed the documents that made zoo Nigeria one. While in the actual sense, those that were being said as the founders were just little boys at that time, so when did they sign the documents that made us one, please.

Biafrans is high time we come to the realization that zoo Nigeria as a country has never been one right from the onset to date, so that is why we have all these killings and mayhem everywhere in the zoo.

The insecurity ravaging this country is at its peak right now, and something drastically needs to be done fast because people are dying on a daily basis in every part of this country and its government is not doing anything about it, rather they are the ones promoting and financing the terrorist killers to continue killing people with impunity and wickedness why they watch. Our lives as a people in this zoo Nigeria as a country has never mattered at all, we are being taken for granted because our lives are of no value in this country while the lives of cows are being valued and preserved in the same country we live in today.

Biafrans, the depraved act of this APC lead government of this very country, has made us understand that we are blending deprived of our life of existences and it been handed over to the terrorists who are Boko Haram and Fulani Herdsmen to murder us in broad daylight with our incompetent nincompoop impostor Ashia Buhari boyfriend impersonating late president Mohammed Buhari doing nothing to stop this genocide meted on the people rather, has it not being Mazi Nnamdi Kanu who has being the Saviour of the citizens of this country wow, I wonder what would have become of us all by now or maybe we would have to be Fulanized and Islamized by now with force.

Our voices have been heard today by the world leaders of what we are all passing through in this hell of a country are all thanks to Nnamdi Kanu who has sacrificed himself and his parents for the good and betterment of the people of this damnable zoological republic of Nizooria who don't deserve it.

And for those idiotic, egocentric zoo one Nigeria puppets I think its high time you fools comes out in mass and glued with IPOB ably lead by my supreme leader Mazi Nnamdi Kanu to fight the incompetency of your zoo Nigeria government in tackling the insecurity issues ravaging the country and to let those pervert causing havoc everywhere in this country to know that together with IPOB we can conquer and so that the zoo Nigeria will be dismembered as well for all to have their peace and enjoy their God's giving freedom on earth which has been made possible by my supreme leader Mazi Nnamdi Kanu and support the #BiafraExit as well so for theirs to be a reality too.

Edited By Ezekwereogu John Odinaka
Published By Udeagha Obasi
For Umuchiukwu Writers

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