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Wednesday, 15 January 2020

CLAMPDOWN ON PROTESTERS: Just Like Iranians, Biafrans Want To Also Hear From President Donald Trump

CLAMPDOWN ON PROTESTERS: Just Like Iranians, Biafrans Want To Also Hear From President Donald Trump
Biafrans in solidarity support for Donald Trump

If really there is anything Biafrans globally presently look forward to, it is getting soothing words of encouragement from the Pragmatic President of the United States of America, Mr. Donald John Trump. Assuring words of his awareness concerning the oppression being meted on the Biafran people by the Nigerian Islamic government of Muhammadu Buhari, need be publicly and internationally expressed. President Trump has consistently assured the Iranian protesters that the global community is on the watch pertaining their ordeal. Through the instrumentality of verified twitter handle and facebook page of the President, there are countless numbers of his expressed concern and assurance already given to the protesting Iranian citizens. He maintained that the government and the good people of the United States of America, are certainly on the know about of the brutal clampdown of the Islamic government of Ayatollah Khomeini, the Iranian supreme leader against his own people. In fact, in one of such recent posts, President Donald Trump clearly called on the Iranian government to restore the disconnected internet and social media in the country to enable the world see how Iran is handling it's protesters.

Interviews conducted with Biafrans both within Biafraland and in the diaspora, the people confirmed to Family Writers Press International, their state of expectation. They want to see the US President give them that attention and assurance at equal measure as the Iranians. Recall that since January 2017, the Nigerian Islamic government commenced brutal clampdown on the Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB), just because of their organized peaceful solidarity rally in support of the 45th US President, Donald John Trump, as he was being sworn into office. Part of the desire of the Biafran people to hear from Mr. Trump, is to assuage their curiosity whether he really have regard for their sacrifices and support for his government. He is a man that stands out globally for freedom, justice and equity. He, in his recent posts, gave assurances of the support of the United States to the protesting Iranians. In one of such posts made by Mr. President just recently, two Biafran agitators, Mazi Anyi Kings (a renowned Biafran journalist, editor and publisher with BiafraPost media organization) resident in the United Arab Emirate and Mazi Biafra Obi (a veteran Radio Biafra Broadcaster, journalist and editor), presently residing in the Jewish State of Israel, separately made comments. They demanded that President Trump should also speak out about the plight of Biafrans located in the West African sub-region whose lands are under oppressive occupation by the Nigerian government

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In his comments, Mazi Anyi Kings specifically listed all the atrocities being committed by the Nigerian lawless government of the Islamic fundamentalists. He demanded that the US President should also look at the direction of the Biafran people to see their plight. In their reactions to Mazi Anyi Kings' comments, many concerned American citizens greatly showed sympathy over what Biafrans are yet going through just because of their unalloyed support to the first citizen of the United States. On his own comment on the President's post, Mazi Mike Biafra Obi carefully listed out different occasions when Mr. Trump took giant steps on global issues, which really endeared him to Biafrans. Mazi Mike Biafra Obi, pointedly mentioned the acknowledgement of Jerusalem as the eternal religious/political capital city of the Jewish State of Israel. This was followed by brokering peace truce in the Korean peninsula between the South Korean President and his North Korean counterpart. This two  verifiable examples out of many other giant strides undertaken by President Donald Trump, are such that earned him maximum support and solidarity from Biafrans.

In view of these realities, it is incumbent upon the US President to really take it as a matter of responsibility, to assuage the curiosity of the Biafran people. This he can do by openly communicating to them soothing and realisable assurances under his watch, regarding their plight in the Nigerian contraption. Apart from the organized cum sponsored media blackouts on the menace of the Nigerian armed forces perpetrated against Biafrans, it will still interest Mr. President to know that the Iranian protesters have not yet suffered up to ten percent (10%) from Ayatollah Khomeini's regime of what Biafrans have been through under the tyrannical regime and court contempt of Muhammadu Buhari despotic regime in Nigeria. Biafrans are now more ever, awaiting to hear President Donald John Trump make definitive statements in this respect.

Written by Mazi Onyebuchi Eze

Edited by Peter Oshagwu
For Family Writers Press International

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