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Saturday 25 January 2020

Breaking the Veil in Abi LGA Cross River State; We Are Biafrans

January 26, 2020

By Nelson Bond | Biafra Writers

The unwavering quest for Biafra by the people of Cross River state is on the rise as the mobilizing team of the state chapter of IPOB has embarked on yet another successful visitation to the land of Ediba in Abi. The team was led by the state coordinator.

It was the first inaugural meeting of IPOB in Abi LGA, and was graced by Biafran war veterans, men and women of goodwill, youths and traditional rulers in the community. The acting coordinator of the area, Chief Udom, who was appointed the chairman of the elder’s forum, Abi LGA, expressed his gratitude for the long-awaited visit from the state EXCOS and the mobilizing team. He told the state team how the people of Abi have longed for such a time they could be identified with the state body. He recalled his ordeals during the genocidal war visited upon Biafra, highlighting numerous reasons Cross River State would continue to be part of Biafra despite the ignorance and misinformation being spread by gullible indigenes.

The state coordinator gave special thanks to the formidable indigenous people of the land for embracing IPOB and its fight for the restoration of Biafra. He assured them that Biafra is at hand, charging them to continue spreading the good news of redemption. He equally spelt out the various position involved in the running of IPOB activities.

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Speaking after him, the state chairman of elder’s forum, Chief Okon, expressed joy over the turnout of elderly men and women for the sake of IPOB and Biafra freedom. He, however, encouraged the group to continue in the good step, charging the elders to function as the backbone of IPOB to motivate the youths.

The meeting progressed with the national coordinator, Mazi Ikechukwu Ugwuoha, speaking to the gathered Biafrans through the phone. Ugwuoha charged the Abi family to cooperate with the state leadership and to always ask questions when necessary. Furthering his speech, he encouraged them to be strong and formidable because Biafra is by the corner, adding that they will never be at the losing side when Biafra comes.

The people of Abi, happy with the visit and the items the state mobilizing team gifted them, took oath of allegiance as is customary with IPOB, declaring their support for the total restoration of the sovereign state of Biafra.

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Edited By Nelson Ofokar Yagazie
Publisher: Charles Opanwa

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