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Tuesday 5 March 2019

Atiku Abubakar, the Current Most Important Actor in the Fulani Secret Agenda

By Eluwa Chidiebere Chinazu Anyanwoke | For Biafra Writers

March 5, 2019

The banner headline, “Atiku Abubakar goes to court,” comes across as the most comical joke of the year. The presidential candidate of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), Alhaji Atiku Abubakar is a man well-versed, astute and with a savoir-faire in political turfs that hardly grovels before any other in Nigeria. With his high standing and understanding of Nigeria's political terrain, it's rather preposterous that he would seek redress for a supposed stolen mandate in a court owned and controlled by the APC government. Even dullards could tell what APC was up to when the Chief Justice of Nigeria, Walter Samuel Onnoghen, was unceremoniously and illegally removed and replaced weeks to the elections. Heading to court, therefore, is a waste of time, energy and resources. It, however, lays bare the intrigues behind the scene and, of course, the important roles Atiku plays for his tribe.

Studying the developments so far, it becomes obvious that Alhaji Atiku Abubakar returned to PDP to shatter any effort to lure power away from the North. Fearing that former President Goodluck Ebele Jonathan might stage a comeback, the Fulani Oligarchy used Atiku as a detraction. He was propped up to seize the PDP presidential ticket, thereby holding down the chances of a Southerner wrestling power out from them. Atiku's decision to go to court is, therefore, nothing but a public stunt calculated to pacify his unsuspecting supporters, making them think that he actually meant business.

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History reminds us that Atiku Abubakar opposed restructuring in Goodluck Jonathan's dispensation, an act that perfectly aligns with the "no restructuring" stance of the Fulani, exposing, therefore, his total commitment to Fulani agenda. The idea to run his campaign on "restructuring" was predicated on buying the loyalty of the South.

Have Atiku not been role-playing, he would have been positioning himself towards forming a parallel government rather than head to court which he knows, in addition to being more decayed than the electoral system itself, is a tool in the hand of the opponent.

Edited by Nelson Ofokar Yagazie
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