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Saturday, 14 May 2016


I Prisca, visited IPOB protesters in prison in the company of Chukwunnonso Nwaolisa, the protesters were imprisoned at Igweocha maximum prison Igweocha (Port Harcourt) and our visit was sponsored by IPOB Forum. What we saw there is beyond imagination, the prison is in a deplorable state. I can only but state that our people are truly suffering in prison.
At the prison, we saw the girl who has been in detention for over 7 months, but was later released yesterday 13th may, 2016 and other 37 Biafrans who were arrested while protesting peacefully in Igweocha against the illegal incarceration of the leader of IPOB - Mazi Nnamdi kanu.

Although, we couldn't attend to all of them because of the short time given to us, I was able to interview 3 of them, in addition to 2 women who told me how their husband and brother respectively were arrested by Nigerian Armed Forces in Igweocha on the 20th of October 2015.  Below is a transcribed version of their pathetic stories.  

Igweocha Prison
1ST PRISONER: I hail from Rivers State and I am 36 years old. I was arrested on the 20th of October 2015. Reason is that we were protesting at Igweocha with our placards written “Free Our Leader Nnamdi Kanu” and “Free Biafra”. We were not harmful, not armed neither were we violent. We were only protesting peacefully and all of a sudden we saw some members of the Nigerian Armed Forces with armoured personnel carriers. They started shooting at us sporadically, they shot at some of our members without looking back and we couldn't retaliate because we are harmless and unarmed. Some of us were arrested including myself and they charged us to court and accused us of treasonable felony.
My sister  how can someone who is demanding his or her freedom without guns or any kind of weapon be charged for treason? I am tired of this prison and country because they don't know what is justice.

2ND PRISONER: I am 21 years old. I was arrested because I am a Biafran and was protesting for the release of our leader - Mazi Nnamdi Kanu, who has being detained extra judicially. I was arrested because of a crime I didn't commit. I was peacefully protesting with our placards written “Free Nnamdi Kanu” and “Free Biafra”, all of a sudden they began to fire tear gas at us and some were injured. I am among those that were arrested and I’ve been here since 8 months languishing in prison over a crime I never committed.

3RD PRISONER: I am 36 years old, I was arrested on the 20th of October 2015, because we were protesting for the release of our leader - Mazi Nnamdi Kanu, and for the freedom of Biafra and all of a sudden, we saw military men. Even the ones in Bori camp came that faithful day  and were shooting at us without looking backwards. Some of us were injured, some died instantly whilst some were arrested of which I am one. But I have never lost hope because I know that we must be Freemen one day. I am not happy since over 8months now because of how they maltreat us here in prison as if we’re criminals. But I have never lost hope nor doubted our leader - Mazi Nnamdi Kanu, whom I know is in high spirit. I believe that Biafra will come.


ANSWER: You all out there should keep on keeping on. We are here in prison propagating the same gospel, though it's not that easy, but we are always fearless before our enemies. Let no one have a relenting spirit or feel deterred because it is either Biafra or death. You all should keep on with the struggle, we all know that Biafra has come to stay and with your visits here in prison our spirits will  be waxing stronger than before.  Extend our greetings to all IPOB members. Tell them that we love them and we pray that Biafra will be restored as soon as possible and Chukwu Okike Abiama will be praised.


My name is Florence and I am from Isiala Mbanno. My husband is 57 years old of age with four children, he was arrested on the 20th of October 2015 and he was not part of the protest that day. That faithful morning he was on his way to his shop and he saw people protesting and at the same time military men were shooting at the Biafrans who were protesting peacefully, then he ran away to seek for a hiding  place but they came there and arrested my husband for a crime he never committed. I have been running around for help because the lawyer we called has taken almost 600,000 Naira and still demanding. life has been so difficult for me since then and I want the world to see how we have been treated in our own land.
Prisca Choamaka Abel With Mrs Ngozi And Florence
My name is Ngozi, my brother was one of the people that got arrested on the 20th of October 2015. He is 25 years old and he is one of the Biafrans who were protesting peacefully on that day and the police men came and arrested them and charged them to court. Since then, I have not been myself because I can't stay without my brother. We are orphans and my only brother has been pleading for his release which I know he will be free as a freeman because he commit

Reported By Prisca Chiamaka Abel
Edited And Published By Biafra Writers

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